Tuesday, October 16, 2007

To Do Lists

Do you use "to do lists"? I went to a conference this summer and one of the speakers was talking about the nuts & bolts of carrying out an education ministry. Several times he said to use to do lists. He talked about how well they worked for him and how everybody should use them. Apparently he is not a procrastinator.

I've tried to do lists. I've got a to do list on my desk. Well, actually it is about three lists. Each started about a week apart and none of them completed. The first one is about four weeks old. I've got a to do list on my refrigerator. It has about 20 items on it. About one third or so of them are marked off. I put that list there approximately three years ago.

To do lists do not work for procrastinators.

And now, my personell commitee wants my to do list for the next year. They are calling it a list of "professional objectives." Sure, I've got time to spend making a list of stuff that is going to be obsolete in a couple months. That will be productive for everyone...not.

You know, I'd like to finish this post but I've got four phone calls to return, a curriculum to research, a Bible study to work on, check the weather report, make some reservations, an e-mail to send...

Y'all can start a pool on if I'll ever get it all done or not ;-)


texaskris said...

wow! I hope you don't ever publish the link to church peeps. you are harsh. to do lists purpose are to keep you focused on the things that have to be done. making the list isn't an accomplishment in and of itself. and doing stuff not on the list is not good either. it is not you, it is that everyone enfringes on your time, so you can't stay on the list. me included.

slothsrcool said...

thing is, lists don't help sloths, we are slow anyway.

so i am amused by it all.

besides, if someone wants to see my lists, they should show me theirs first. so there, na na na na na na

texaskris said...

OK, I will play that game...
I will show you mine, then you have to show me yours! ;)

Karen said...

Hey Sloth. Think of a "To Do" list as a guideline to get you on track for when you have spare time and your work isn't interfering. You've heard, "Life is what happens while you're making other plans." Well, I say, work is what happens while you're concentrating on your To Do list. :) Ha!