So JT, my four year old, decided he is an agnostic. Of course, he did not put it in those terms. However, I picked him up from preschool Friday and somehow in the course of our conversation that afternoon he said, "I don't really know if I believe in God."
As you might expect, this is a really heartbreaking statement for parents who do believe in God and have staked their lives on the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So right away I get epistemological on the poor kid. "You know JT, Daddy would not lie to you and Daddy is telling you that God is real."
"You wouldn't lie to me?"
"Well, I just don't know if I believe in God."
Later Kris came in and I shared JT's new views with her. She immediately goes teleological on him. "JT, who do you think created the mountains?"
"So you believe in God?"
"Well, I just don't know if I believe in God."
Who knows what the kid really believes. As Kris says it is not beyond him to say he does not believe just to get a reaction out of us. One thing is for sure though, philosophy does not work too well with four year olds. Honestly, I'm not sure it's ever worked with anyone.
But if you are a Christian with any spare time please pray for JT to have faith in Jesus and his parents to have patience.
and we also need $$ for therapy, either for him, or maybe us! ;)
will pray for both sorry dont have the money for a therapy..just get more chikens they seemed to help..
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