Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Go Figure

 The Saturday after the election I did some chores out in the yard and then I went in and turned on the TV hoping to see some college football. Instead, several networks were carrying news broadcasts that they had declared Biden the winner of the presedential election. As part of the coverage one commentator (I do not remember the network or the reporter's name) was really happy that Trump had lost. The man felt like Trump was bad for America. One thing he said was that Trump had caused the American people to distrust the press and the press now had to work to rebuild that trust.

Wow. Wow. How crazy is that? He either said that to deceive people and fuel the anti-Trump fire, or he honestly believes it is Trump's fault that noboby trusts the media. Either way, I'm really worried about that guy. 

I do not watch very much network news anymore. However, even from the brief coverage I consume it is easy to see how biased the secular media is. The field of journalism in the US is heavily populated with progressives, liberals, and leftists and they don't try to hide it. 

Here's just one tiny example. The TV was on the other day and I overhead a reporter talking about the election aftermath. She said something about 'President Trump's baseless claims of voter fraud.' She said Trump's claims were baseless and undiscriminating viewers might take her word for it. However, she offered no evidence that Trump's claims were baseless. She expects everyone to believe it because she said it. I'm assuming that is how most of the liberal national media has characterized the situation. 

Well, I'm kind of assuming that. As best as I can remember, that is the attitude I've heard across the board from what little coverage I've consumed. On the other hand, when I listen to the few conservative voices that still exist, I hear all kind of evidence that Trump's claims are valid. There was voter fraud in strategic counties. Why can they not report that? Because it doesn't push their agenda forward.

Wake up America. Things are bad and they are going to get worse, barring a move of God.

Christians, please pray for that move!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Who You Gonna Listen To?

I'm driving down the road searching through the radio stations and stopped for a minute on ESPN. There I found two sportscasters who are suddenly moral authorities. According to these guys, who are no doubt experts on sociology, race relations, and values (he said sarcastically), any NFL players who stand during the national anthem this year are racists. Any players who do that, even if they are honestly patriotic Americans who just want to honor our country and our flag, are bad people. If they do that they do not care about their teammates because it will be a sign of disrespect to the black lives matter movement.

Wow! The blm folks can disrespect our nation, but how dare anyone take issue with the way they communicate their viewpoint? Of course, that is the way the social justice world works. I'm not surprised by it. I guess what bugs me so much is why sportscasters are talking about it. You go to a restaurant to eat. You go to a park to play. You go to a concert to be entertained. You listen to sports to be entertained. We don't need self appointed moral authorities turning entertainment into platforms for their political agendas.

Of course, there is a place and a need to discuss the social issues of our day. But I just don't think sports radio should be that place. Save sports radio for entertainment.

As for refusing to stand during the anthem, why does that have to be the method of protest? Can't the people who are upset find a way to register their unhappiness without using violent protests or kneeling during out national anthem? These behaviors only serve to further the division between Americans.

Clearly, the solution to the racial turmoil we find ourselves in is Jesus Christ. If everyone would own their own sin, turn to Jesus for redemption from that sin, and then love one another; we would not have near the troubles we are now experiencing.

Meanwhile if you are interested in learning a little more about social justice issues and some of the things that are actually at stake here, and if you are interested in learning from people more qualified than sports commentators, then check out some of the links below.






Thursday, April 23, 2020

Stay Home Already

So we're under this shelter in place order and I think there are good reasons for it. But my wife and other extroverts on Facebook keep complaining about it. They say they need to be around people.


Best I can tell nobody is actually sheltering in place. Lots of people are still going to work. People still going to the grocery store, the gas station, the home improvement store, the hardware store, and so on. People still going to see friends, family, and neighbors. People still driving through fast food joints. People still running their kids all over tarnation. How the pooh is that sheltering in place?

How is everyone griping about needing to be around people when most people are not missing out on very much? Idk. I think they are just upset that their kids are having to do school at home.

What I do know is that this is great for introverts! I can wear a mask when I go in a store. It is socially acceptable to keep my distance from people now. If I stay home I'm just being a good citizen. This is fantastic.

Monday, March 9, 2020

A Challenge

If you have children, please read this book:

This has been around a while and since it was published many more churches have begun moving towards family based or family equipping ministries. This move on the part of churches is a very good thing. However, individual parents still bear the responsibility to take up the mantle of training  their children to follow Jesus. Seems to me that if every Christian parent would read this book, churches wouldn't have to shift their ministry models because it would happen organically as each home became a "children's ministry" or a "youth ministry" unto itself.