Monday, March 31, 2008

Been Busy

Had Easter get together in Mexia. Had Easter get together in Waco. Granny got sick. Granny got better. The week was full. The weekend was fuller. Kris' business is busy. The boys are busy. Church is busy. The calendar for April is filling up fast.

This is funny. Really funny, check it out.

Monday, March 17, 2008

What do you think?

First, a great big shout out to R and B for letting the boys come over and ride horses. They had so much fun. Thank you very much!

Now for today's question. In the garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. " -Genesis 1:29.

After Noah and his family got off the ark, there were no crops, so God told them, "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. " -Genesis 9:3.

Many scholars believe that God designed mankind for a vegetarian life in the paradise of Eden. So, my question is, if they are right about God's original intent, and if Jesus' atonement served to restore mankind to a right relationship with God, as in the original state, should people who have recieved Christ now return to a vegetarian diet?

Wanna see something cool?

If so, go to the March 17 post over at Evangelical Outpost. Find the 33 Things list and go to the very last one and watch the video.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Texas weather

Last Friday Jeremiah and I had a snowball fight. Today it was in the 80s with a blazing south wind that made being outside feel like walking around in a convection oven. There's no place like Texas.

So the boys and I went to the park and played and rode bikes. It was a good time. Thank God for spring break.

Now, they are watching Star Wars--Phantom Menace, Kris and Krista are hanging out in the Stamp Therapy room, and I've gotta go study for Sunday School. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Don't forget to go to church on Palm Sunday. Hosanna!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Should Homeschoolers Get A By?

All the homeschoolers are upset because an appellate court in California thinks people there who home school should be trained to teach.

Boo hoo.

We would be all upset if public schools let people without any credentials teach there. Why? Because we want what is best for the children. Why should people who teach their kids at home not have to uphold the same standard?

Sure, there are valid reasons for keeping one's kids home and teaching them one's self. However, I do not believe that should excuse families who choose to do so from paying their share of taxes to support the public educational system. Nor does it excuse them from getting proper training in content and methodology in order to teach.

Homeschooling may be a right. But it seems to me that it comes with the responsibility to be as qualified as any other teacher. This serves the common good of society at large as well as the best interests of the children one teaches.

So, what do you think?