The Saturday after the election I did some chores out in the yard and then I went in and turned on the TV hoping to see some college football. Instead, several networks were carrying news broadcasts that they had declared Biden the winner of the presedential election. As part of the coverage one commentator (I do not remember the network or the reporter's name) was really happy that Trump had lost. The man felt like Trump was bad for America. One thing he said was that Trump had caused the American people to distrust the press and the press now had to work to rebuild that trust.
Wow. Wow. How crazy is that? He either said that to deceive people and fuel the anti-Trump fire, or he honestly believes it is Trump's fault that noboby trusts the media. Either way, I'm really worried about that guy.
I do not watch very much network news anymore. However, even from the brief coverage I consume it is easy to see how biased the secular media is. The field of journalism in the US is heavily populated with progressives, liberals, and leftists and they don't try to hide it.
Here's just one tiny example. The TV was on the other day and I overhead a reporter talking about the election aftermath. She said something about 'President Trump's baseless claims of voter fraud.' She said Trump's claims were baseless and undiscriminating viewers might take her word for it. However, she offered no evidence that Trump's claims were baseless. She expects everyone to believe it because she said it. I'm assuming that is how most of the liberal national media has characterized the situation.
Well, I'm kind of assuming that. As best as I can remember, that is the attitude I've heard across the board from what little coverage I've consumed. On the other hand, when I listen to the few conservative voices that still exist, I hear all kind of evidence that Trump's claims are valid. There was voter fraud in strategic counties. Why can they not report that? Because it doesn't push their agenda forward.
Wake up America. Things are bad and they are going to get worse, barring a move of God.
Christians, please pray for that move!
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