... that is the question? Okay, so it worked better for Shakespeare. But seriously folks ;-) everybody's doing it. Al Gore invents the internet and a few years later everybody with a computer has a forum to say whatever they want. So as long as everybody else is doing it, I have observed a few things about blogging that intrigue me.
First, blog is a misnomer. Very few people are using the web to actually log their activities. Although, Win Corduan is an entertaining exception. Most folks are using the blog forum as a cyber opinion page; sort of a web op/ed. I think we should call it a WOD. Then everyone can shoot their wod.
Secondly, traditional communication assumes a message (usually a worthwhile message), someone to send the message and someone to receive the message. Then there is some interplay to see if the message actually came across the way it was intended. This is often not the case with blogs. Seriously, how many of the blogs out here really have a worthwhile message (admittedly not this one)? Then you've got a sender who frequently does not really know if there are any receivers or if the receivers actually get the message correctly. In fact, I kind of think that there are more people blogging than there are people to read the blogs. So, is any communication actually taking place?
Third, maybe its not about communication. Maybe blogging is about our social nature. Maybe it is about our need to connect with other people. We send our blogs out into the vastness of cyber space hoping to connect with someone else and thereby enhance our humanity. Naaaaaah!
Blogging is obviously for introverts like me. This is our chance to say something without having to actually deal with another person. Everyone else can use their cell phones, but that's another topic...
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