Monday, October 6, 2008


Question: What do a tattoo pen, a harmonica, a tube of chap stick, and a pair of binoculars have in common?

Answer: These are what Jeremiah takes in his pockets and around his neck to a major college football game. Of course he never even looks towards the field. He writes on himself, writes on the harmonica, smears chap stick on everything, dances, sings, looks through the binoculars, "plays" the harmonica, etc. But he never, never looks at the field or the players, except when he wants to say that he hopes they both lose because he doesn't like either team.

So I ask him, Jeremiah, why do you come to football games if you don't want to watch the game? And of course his answer is that "feetball is my favorite sport." One would never know it.

Baylor football is always frustrating, but Saturday's game was very much so. We had a chance to watch the #1 team in the nation play. I was not even hoping for a Baylor upset; I just wanted them to do well. I was looking forward to a relaxing couple hours and seeing OU play in person. Didn't happen that way at all.

It was already the second quarter when we got to the game and OU was already up 28-0. I tried to watch the game but it was really hot, Jeremiah was hot, he wouldn't sit still, he wouldn't watch the game. Baylor was terrible. Then, with about four minutes left in the half, JT's nose started bleeding.

So, we got it stopped, went down the restroom and cleaned up, and made the long trek back to the truck. We salvaged the day by getting donuts at Wal*mart on the way home. It was a frustrating outing. But it was fun too. I mean you gotta love a kid who gets a major kick out of being able to stop and use the port-a-potty and who can have a great time playing with his little toys and dancing around in the middle of 30 thousand people with absolutely no worry what anyone else is doing or thinking.

Another bright side was that when the nosebleed started some very polite teenagers who were sitting behind us handed me a wad of kleenex to do first aid with. One of them even brought me some extra napkins when he went down to get some half time refreshments. Nice kids. Teenagers really can be good people.


LIFe - Matt said...

Awesome. This adventure reminded me of all those games I went to with my dad...very few of which I actually watched too. :)

I remember most vividly that I could run around at the top of the stands (because nobody went to the games back then either) and look over the back of them through a chain-link fence to the parking lot.

I thought I was so cool. Then I'd try to gather up as many Baylor cups that were left behind that I could. My mom was always thankful for that...then she would throw them away.

slothsrcool said...


Those Baylor cups are getting harder to come by. I think after people pay like $200 for them they think they should take them home.

Wachsmann Family said...

Sounds like fun times, minus the portapotty! ;)

Come check out the other Baylor Bears football team, maybe JT would watch Andy play?? His next game is at 8 AM this Saturday.


LIFe - Matt said...

Hey Sloth,

Thanks for dropping by last week and leaving a comment on my vlog.

I am uploading the one for this week today...I had problems getting with it yesterday.

Let me know what you think...