Friday, October 24, 2008

Couple Thoughts on Capitalism

A lot of people do some of their best thinking in the shower. Can I get an 'Amen'? So this morning in the shower I was thinking about capitalism. Yes, we've seen some pitfalls in these days. But for crying out loud it is still way better than socialism. I am appalled by people I have heard in the last couple of weeks advocating the abandonment of capitalism. Even more appalled that half the nation wants to elect a president who is going to lead us into socialism. It is disgusting what Obama want to do to America.

God reminded me, however, that even if He uses Barack Hussein to wipe America off the map, Christians still have hope. Listen brothers and sisters, if America is ruined it does not effect your true citizenship at all. You are citizens of a Kingdom that will never end. You are citizens of a Kingdom of total and perfect peace, a Kingdom with no suffering, a Kingdom where we know Jesus even as we are fully known, a Kingdom where we worship a living, loving God in total purity, a Kingdom with no fears, no tears, and no good byes. So vote McCain, but if he doesn't win, relax; God is in control.

My next thought about capitalism is on the lighter side. There is one capitalist practice that is really annoying--selling up. You know, like when you order your Chik Fila sandwich and the clerk says, "Would you like fries with that?". Uhhh, no, if I wanted fries I would have ordered them. Or when you take your car to the shop for a $75 repair and they call you and say, "We fixed your car but we noticed when we test drove it that your engine has an even bigger problem. Not to worry, we can take care of it for a mere seven thousand dollars." I hate that crap.

Can you imagine if the clergy did business that way. So this guy goes to his pastor for counseling because he's addicted to pornography. After a couple of sessions the pastor is like, "Well you're making progress on this addiction but I've noticed something else. Your soteriology is really bad due to your poor hermeneutics of the Johannine literature. Not to worry, if you'll just bump your tithe up about $50 a month I can get you straightened out. Or while a minister is doing a wedding, right before he pronounces the couple he leans over to the bride and says, "Ya know for an extra twenty I can give the people directions to the reception." Imagine the pastor making a hospital visit and stands up to leave, "Well, Joe, would you like me to pray for you before I go, it's only $5 today, I'm running a special." Or when your pastor is talking to you about baptism and he says, "Would you like the water warm today? We start at fifty degrees and you can buy up in ten degree increments for just $5 each."


LIFe - Matt said...

Nice thoughts...I'll write a longer comment for $5 more.

slothsrcool said...

How much for a whole paragraph?

Unknown said...

Right churches don't have to price up simply because the shill is out ALL THE TIME!!!