Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Hey, today is the two year anniversary of this blog. The first entry is here.

Meanwhile Facebook and Twitter seem to have taken over a lot of people's screen time so there's less time for blog reading. But there are still a whole bunch of good blogs around.

Its been a crazy two years. We've seen economic catastrophe and political catastrophe with the election of a president who goes around apologizing for his nation being great and liberal legislators trying to re-engineer our society into something bordering on socialism. Every day the news is filled with stories of unbelievable human depravity such that nothing seems to shock us anymore.

Kris has gone from a Claymaniac to a Jonas Momma. She's had to give up some of her Stampin' Up time to take a part time job. The boys are really growing up, doing well in school and they seem to be growing spiritually. Blake and I are finally seeing a little spark of growth in the youth ministry.

Lately I've been trying to figure out why primarily spiritual beings have to spend a blip on the eternal radar screen trapped in a material world. We're forced to live in two realities at once. We're constantly pulled in two opposite directions. We spend tremendous amounts of time, energy, and resources to satisfy our material needs and wants when we should be storing up treasures in Heaven. Why are we given this struggle? Why is it so easy to give ourselves to the material world at the expense of the spiritual?

Makes you really appreciate Enoch doesn't it. Genesis 5:24 says, "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away." Apparently Enoch was so given over to the spiritual rather than the material that God translated him directly into Heaven. Isn't that cool? He must have been something.

The Enoch challenge: depend less and less on the material and more and more on the spiritual. Any takers?


texaskris said...

hmmm, I thought I was doing pretty well. I am really trying

slothsrcool said...

trying what? i did not say anything critical about you here. sorry if it seemed that way.