So, this morning, standing in the shower trying to wake up, I'm reading one of the many bottles of feminine beauty & cleaning products that adorn my bathroom. I'm not complaining, because I have to admit, there are not nearly as many of those products as there used to be. Having kids really helped with that. When Kris was pregnant with Jonathan she got to where many, many smells mader her nauseous. So she stopped buying all that crap you get at places like Bath & Body Works, etc. See, God can bring good things out of difficult circumstances. But I digress.
Anyway, you know how often on a sitcom or goofy movie they will get a laugh out of showing a woman in a facial mask? Its usually green and there are often cucumbers involved. It is pretty funny looking. Well, on the back of this particular bottle of cleansing face mask was the statement, "non-comedogenic". Really? Isn't that good to know? Clearly, they've created a facial mask that you can wear and people will not laugh at you. "Non" meaning not, "comedo" as in comedy, laughter, and "genic" from genesis or starting or creating. So wearing this mask will not make people start laughing at you; but it is good for your pores, I suppose.
I'd love to really be able to tell you what comedogenic means, but I couldn't find it at Merriam Webster online. So if anyone knows, please enlighten me.
Comedogenic in the adjective form means "tending to clog pores especially by the formation of blackheads". So the composition in your shower won't clog pores.(ewww!) But there is no guarantee of the absence of laughter either way. lol!!!
And...wondering if we think random thoughts ARE stupid simply because they are random and possibly not relevant to the current subject matter, and not relevant to what anyone else was thinking at the time. But ultimately, I believe all random thoughts are connected to one another in some divine way. :)
But Rambling Thoughts... that's a whole nuther thing!
Keep your bibles breathing.
thank you so much for clearing that up (pun intended). Although, I think I like my definition better.
Good to hear from you. I've checked your blog a time or two wondering what you have been up to. Hope all is well.
Thanks again for the definition!
Your unique views are always more entertaining!
P.S. I posted a slightly vague update.
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