Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting told, by your 5 year old

First, Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a great holiday time.

Don't know what the attitude is like at your house, but it is deep and thick at mine.

Yesterday, Kris had a conversation with Jeremiah something like this:

"Mom, you know you are always stepping on shadows." Such a random statement that Kris looked perplexed. "Your feet make shadows so you are always stepping on shadows."

Kris still looked a little dazed trying to figure out why he was thinking about that. So he says, "You didn't know that did you?"

"Well it makes sense." Kris said.

"But you didn't know it did you?"

"I just never thought about it, Jeremiah."

And with a sigh and a scowl he says, "I guess I'm the only one who thinks."

Man, he's a trip. Then last night Jonathan fell asleep first so I thought I'd mess with Jeremiah a little. "Jeremiah, you told Mommy that we always step on shadows because our feet make shadows?"


"Well, what if you are walking in the dark? Then your feet are not making shadows."

"A shadow is when something blocks the light."

"Yes, so if you are walking in the dark then there is no light so your feet cannot make a shadow."

"Shadows are dark, so you are always stepping on the dark."

He absolutely refuses to be wrong about anything, ever. It would be cute if we didn't know where he gets it from and how annoying it can be. My poor wife has a lot of bad attitudes to deal with.

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