Saturday, December 27, 2008

Let's get this over with

Okay, by now you know that I think it is stupid (and dangerous for Christians) to read novels about vampires and other similar fare. Yet, millions of people are going to do it anyway. They can think that my hobbies are stupid and we'll be even.

There is one more argument from the Twilight-o-philes that I want to answer. I confess that this is probably the weakest answer I have for you folks, but I'm gonna stick by it at least for now. The argument is, "If its not okay to read/watch Twilight, Harry Potter, The Golden Compass, etc. then why is it okay to read/watch things like The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and so forth?

Great question. Obviously, I think that the "bad" ones offer glimpses of, and connections with, the occult that Christians should avoid. As for the "good" literature, my first thought is that these take place in completely fictitious universes. Narnia and Middle Earth are imaginary places, although they contain symbols, types if you will, of things that are real.

That leads to the second point. Narnia and Lord of the Rings were written by Christians who wanted to teach spiritual truths in creative ways. They are parables or allegories that teach real spiritual truth. They bring us in line with scripture rather than out of line with it.

Works for me. That's all I've got to say about that.

1 comment:

Justin said...

My name is Justin Deweese and I am a Professional Speaker and a Church Planter from Chattanooga, TN. I love Jesus and love to communicate His Word. If you need someone to speak in a relevant, engaging, funny, life changing way to your students and encourage them in God’s Word, I would love the opportunity. I would love to attend a D-Now, summer camp or any other event you may have. Check out and you can listen to an audio or video message. God bless and Happy New Year. Nice Blog.