Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Standard of living?

Once again, time has flown. Here's a little summary of what has been going on around here. Three weekends ago we celebrated Granny's 93rd birthday. Its always fun to be with everyone.

I watched as much of the Olympics as I could. Extremely entertaining! I really enjoyed them.

Kris has had three weeks of the medicine I mentioned in my last post and she has tolerated it fairly well. It caused some tough days but she has handled it like a trooper. Hopefully it will start making her feel better soon.

My parents celebrated their 46th anniversary last week.

The boys started back to school today. I don't know if Jeremiah is ready for Kindergarten, but I'm pretty sure that Kindergarten is not ready for him. Although, we are very pleased that he is going to be in Mrs. H's class. Both boys reported having a good day.

Now for my latest random thoughts. As everyone knows our economy is really struggling now. The causes are more complex than I can grasp, but I suppose it was inevitable that the developing world would start catching up to us and compete with us for resources. That surely has a lot to do with some of our current troubles. One thing I have heard people, including Christian leaders, say is that we need the government to do things that will allow us to maintain our American standard of living. And that individuals and business should work to maintain the American standard of living.

Really? Standard of living? I surely do enjoy our standard of living. But, what makes us think that it is a right instead of a privilege? And what makes us think we are more derserving of being well off than any other nation. God certainly never promised that we should be wealthy. And Americans are wealthy. Even many Americans who live below our official poverty level have a lot compared to many people in developing nations. He only promised to meet our daily
needs (Matthew 6:25-34). Plus, I believe He expects his people with means to share with people who have needs (see Luke 3:10-11for example).

Maybe we Chistians should spend less time and energy trying to sustain our standard of living (possessions, diet, recreational indulgences, etc.) and more time and energy and resources trying to raise the standard of living of others?

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done." Proverbs 19:17


texaskris said...

Preach it! HA HA HA.
You are right though, we are blessed and spoiled, and don't even realize it.
but people still need to buy stamps! ;) that is cheap therapy.

slothsrcool said...

ya, guess we all need a little luxury to keep us sane.

The old bumper sticker, "Live simply so others may simply live." sounds kind of liberal or hippy-ish, but it makes a lot of sense for Christians.