Monday, February 18, 2008

Just An Old Married Couple

There have been several things floating around in my mind that I have wanted to write about. The changes and beauty of springtime here in Central Texas & public education are the two main ones. However, there just hasn't been enough time.

I'm on vacation today so I finally have a few minutes to write. The aforementioned items notwithstanding, I will devote today to the celebration of our 13th wedding anniversary. Kris and I were lauging this morning that we did not get each other any gifts and the day is so busy we will hardly see each other. I decided we're just an old married couple and Kris decided that was a good thing. And she's right.

Kristin Lea, you really are right that the little things we do for each other every day are much more important than candy, flowers, jewelry, expensive clothing, or anything else that will eventually just be firewood. We have given each other ourselves and two incredible boys. What could be better?

When I think about what I want the boys to remember about us in 50 years I surely would not want them to remember a bunch of stuff. It makes me think of the Rich Mullins song...
"Talk about your miracles,
talk about your faith.
My dad he could make things grow
out of Indiana clay.
Mom could make a gourmet meal
out of just cornbread and beans.
They worked to give faith hands and feet,
but somehow gave it wings."

If we can give faith wings for Jonathan and Jeremiah to see, that's better than all the money in the world--and I know we'll have more fun doing it. Happy Anniversary. I love you!


texaskris said...

Happy Anniversary to you as well! 13 years doesn't seem all that long, but it really does show that we are on the right path. I am so thankful for you, everyday. I would much much rather have the guy who puts on my socks, rubs my feet, runs errands, picks up kids, than one who did nothing but buy gifts. My gift is YOU! Thanks for taking care of me, for helping me grow and grow up. I appreciate your committment, and you care. I know it isn't easy to come home to me everyday, but you make it look easy. I agree about the boys, and you are the greatest dad ever! They are blessed to have you, as am I!

Kayla said...

Happy Anniversry to both of you....13 years is a great accomplishment these guys are definitely on the right track. I hope you have many more anniversaries to not buy gifts for!!


slothsrcool said...

Thanks Kayla. That's nice of you.

And Kris, I'm thankful for you too. Now quit putting yourself down. You know you are wonderful.