Thursday, December 13, 2007

Future dentist?

This may be one of those things that only a parent can appreciate. Tonight after supper my 7 year old was wiggling his very loose tooth. But as usual, he was too scared to pull it out--he hates pain. So, my 4 year old started begging to pull it out.

What possesses a 4 year old to pull out his brother's tooth? I have no idea but the kid was intent on doing it. So after a lot of bartering and cajoling and screaming Jonathan finally let Jeremiah reach in his mouth with a kleenex. Jonathan jerked back and Jeremiah calmly said, "I dot it." And sure enough he had the tooth. There was much rejoicing all around.

Guess you had to be there, but it was pretty funny.


Karen said...


Congrats to both your boys! Such bravery and teamwork!

And it's certainly better than one of the alternatives whereby a sibling takes the tooth without permission. LOL!

slothsrcool said...

ooo, no doubt.

texaskris said...

well, maybe not, he wasn't thrilled about mass quanities of blood, so he would have a hard time with med school..... but then again, it is jeremiah!