Monday, November 28, 2022

Covid-19 Circa 2022

 Almost two full years since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and I have finally contracted the disease. I told you I was slow. Sometimes it is good to be slow! The nurse did not tell me which variant I have, but based on what I've read, I think it is the Omicron variant. Terrible headache, scratchy throat, fever, cough, stuffy nose, body aches, malaise, and extreme fatigue. I have had no loss of smell or taste, thank God.

Am I vaccinated? Yes I am. I got the two initial shots in March of 2021 because my doctor said it was important. I wish I had researched it more before I did that. However, I am now one more data point indicating the jab is not efficacious despite what the media and big pharma insist. (The negative about the jab goes way beyond the fact that they do not prevent the disease in the way that the polio or mumps vaccinations prevented those infections. I know embalmers who swear they can tell whether or not someone has had the jab based on how their blood behaves. Friends, that is not good.)

Since spring of 2021 I have heard multiple interviews, and read multiple articles and blog posts, by MDs, PhDs, nurses, and others discussing how the events surrounding this pandemic have opened their eyes to how our medical system has been commandeered by corporations and institutions with a very left-leaning agenda. So yes, I'm one of the conspiracy theorists who think that these new mRNA "vaccines" really do not protect us from Covid-19, they simply serve as a way for the elites to exercise more control over us. Along those lines, I encourage you to browse around over at and

Thank God I am recovering nicely so far. My fever broke today and to this point I have had no trouble breathing. I went to an express care clinic on Saturday (today is Monday). The clinic tested me for strep-throat, seasonal flu, and Covid-19. All the rapid tests were negative. The provider suggested I get more thorough tests for four or five specific viral diseases. The clinic called me back Sunday night to tell me I was positive for Covid. I asked if I had missed the window for an anti-viral. The nurse checked with the doctor and came back and said I could get it if I wanted it (I don't remember which one she said) but that since I was healthy with no risk factors it was probably unnecessary. Even though I suspect the clinic may get government money for treating me as a Covid patient, I am trusting the test results are true. This definitely feels different than other respiratory viruses I have had.

I asked about the anti-viral specifically to see what she would say. I already know that, because of managed care and big pharma, none of the providers in my area will prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. The closest doctor that will do this is 30 miles away and she has a long waiting list. What's my point? My point is that I'm worried about my wife and son. Both have risk factors that I do not have and should they catch this from me, it will be difficult to get them the medicine they need within the 48 hour window.

So my fellow Americans, join me in speaking out against undue government control, join me in speaking out against scientific journals and institutions that have bowed to the environmental and leftist agendas, join me in praying for revival. And join me in supporting, to whatever extent you can, healthcare professionals that operate outside the current managed care structure. Look for doctors that offer concierge services or are affiliated with groups such as America's Frontline Doctors.

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