Monday, November 22, 2021

Starting Over With Aids for Christian Parents

 One year ago today, I lost my platform for instructing Christian teens and parents. I say "lost;" some would say I gave it up and others would say it was taken from me. Which of those scenarios bears the most resemblance to reality is immaterial. What matters is that it was gone, and I was left to wonder if I was delusional. Had God really given me a message for the church and today's Christian parents? I have spent much time over the past year seeking God with regard to this question, and I believe that He truly has given me some timely insights for His people.

Believing that God has given me a message, I am obligated to share it. Therefore, my current endeavor is to use this blog as a new platform for encouragement, instruction, and training to Christian parents (and grandparents.) Of course, many others are already sharing similar messages through various media, and they do so much more eloquently and effectively than I ever could. Among those I commend to you Timothy Paul Jones, Rob Reinow, Ron Hunter, Will and Meeke Addison, Mark Holmen, and Voddie Baucham Jr. to name a few.

The writings, pod casts, videos, and in person teachings of those listed above and their ministries are outstanding. Then why do I think I should add my voice to the mix? First, I will not so much be adding my voice as echoing what these (and others) have been saying. The message is important and there are still many who have not heard or heeded it. Second, my goal is to try to present you with bite sized portions. Rather than giving you a long article, a podcast, an entire book, or a two-day conference, I hope to simply provide a five to ten minute read that will give you something to chew on, and/or apply, as you go about training your children that week.

Maybe you are wondering what "the message" I keep talking about is? It's very simple. It is your responsibility to be the primary spiritual leader of your children. You should not relinquish this job to your church or anyone else. Unfortunately, most Christian parents have already done this on two levels. One, they have willingly surrendered this job to leaders at their church. Second, they have also, without realizing it, allowed secular teachers and coaches to play a huge role in "discipling" their children. Hopefully, I can convince you of these things, but also can be your personal cheer leader encouraging you and providing practical tips along the way.

I'm excited about this fresh start. Please, check back here once a week to take a peek at the content. I pray it will be helpful to you. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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