Wednesday, June 26, 2019

There has to be a winner and a loser. Really?

I don't remember the analogy he was making, but the other day I heard someone say something to the effect of, "Think about sports, if two teams play there has to be a winner and a loser." I'm sure you have heard people say things like that many times.

Has it ever dawned on you that there only has to be a winner and a loser if you keep score? I know it  is hard to believe, but it is possible to play just for fun, and not keep up with who wins and who loses.

"O, you pansy!" you will say. "Life is tough and we have to learn to be competitive." Well, there are venues in life where competition is unavoidable. But we have created far too many of them than there really need to be. What if we were more frequently cooperative than competitive? What if we made life more about helping others than defeating others?

I'm not presenting new ideas. They just don't get kicked around much in our sports crazed culture. Check out the new games foundations for some more thoughts.

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