Thursday, May 11, 2017

New definitions

All the social re-engineering that has been going on in this country is pretty sad. Actually, it is worse than sad. However, I have to admit that is is truly fascinating to watch how ridiculously effective the liberal strategy is. I've been especially interested in how successfully they have been able to reshape many debates by commandeering the language. With the help of almost the entire journalism profession and lots of activist groups they have been quite efficient at getting people to believe lies by taking over a lot of our vocabulary.

Here's a sample. The left knows that it is quite clear that murder or killing is not too palatable for most people. So they have taken the idea of killing babies still in the womb and relabeled it as "reproductive rights" or "women's health care". It would be funny if it were not so tragic. However, once again, it has duped millions of Americans into thinking that abortion is something other than what it really is.

The left has also managed to sway a lot of opinions by making everything about hate and fear rather than reason. For example, if you believe in the rule of law and national sovereignty and therefore feel that people who enter our country should do so legally and through proper channels, you are no longer considered reasonable and prudent. You are now considered a xenophobe. You are help up as an intolerant, uncaring, terrible human being. Clear thinking people can easily see the flaws in this. Yet, millions of Americans buy the liberal slant. I guess it somehow makes them feel like they have some moral high ground.

Another example. If you have a basic understanding of what millions, literally millions of Muslims believe, if you grasp the massive ideological differences between sharia law and the United States constitution, and this causes great concern to you. If it is clear to you that many, many Muslims (note that I am not saying all Muslims are out to form Caliphates and enforce sharia, maybe there are more who are not than who are, but there are over a billion Muslims in the world so if even 10% of them want these things...)  are not interested  in assimilation and this bothers you because you do not want your culture to become like that of the middle east. If you see things this way, then you are no longer a patriot or a cogent thinker, you are now Islamophobic. And once again, millions of Americans buy into this and consider you to be the problem.

These are just a couple of examples of how progressives have twisted language to accomplish their purposes. It is planned and intentional. It is just one tool they are using to bring their agenda into reality in America. And, like I said, it is fascinating to watch. It might be something to marvel at were it not so heinous and were it not leading us down a dark, dark path. Give it some thought.

Help us, Jesus!

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