Friday, May 30, 2008

A lesson from Narnia

First let me say how proud I am of Kris. She has been asked to be a weekly guest blogger on the Scrapping for Inclusion blog, which is affiliated with the Bubel-Aiken Foundation. Yay for Kris!

Now, what to discuss? There is so much going on: social re-engineering in Colorado; the high prices of gasoline, food, and health care are really starting to put the middle class and below in a pinch; my wife is mad at me because she double booked herself; lots of graduations going on this week--makes me nostalgic; the presidential race; movies; etc.

Movies, that reminds me. There was a scene in Prince Caspian that God really used to speak to me. Its early in the movie. The children have started their adventure in Narnia but have yet to meet with Aslan. Lucy, the youngest, dreams of an encounter with him. When she sees Aslan, she runs up to him in great exultation and wraps her arms around him like one would a close loved one that one had not seen in many months.

So, what did God speak to me? He said that I don't long to meet with Jesus like Lucy did to meet with Aslan. I don't joyfully run to him and hug him. Now, before you start to look down on me, examine yourself. Is that how you greet Jesus every morning, or do you ignore him completely until you need his help? Or are you somewhere in between?

Think about it.


texaskris said...

Think about it, isn't that what that lady on JayJay the jet plane always says?
good point.
Thanks for the plug and stuff.
I would think that at an encounter with Jesus, you would joyfully run to Him, thing is, we don't look for the encounter. I realize that was your point... just thought you'd like me to restate it. ;)

LIFe - Matt said...

My daughter, "A", learned a song this year at her school and has started singing it to me in the mornings (because I don't really like mornings). She'll come up to me while I'm a bit grouchy and say, "Daddy, remember the song...

'Jesus, You are wonderful
Jesus, You are wonderful
When I wake up in the morning
You are wonderful to me'"

I'm thankful that she reminds me of this truth. It's crazy how easy it is to feel stuck in our mood and/or emotion of the moment and forget the reality of His presence and goodness in our lives.

slothsrcool said...

even if we were not looking for the encounter, even if we forgot the reality of his presence, what would we do if he showed up? Would we run to him joyfully, would have an 'o crap, i'm busted' moment, or would we even care?

I'm really worried that too many people who hang out in American churches might not even care.

Thanks for commenting, y'all. It really makes me glad that someone read this--even if there's not 4000 people here like on Stamp Therapy.