So we're under this shelter in place order and I think there are good reasons for it. But my wife and other extroverts on Facebook keep complaining about it. They say they need to be around people.
Best I can tell nobody is actually sheltering in place. Lots of people are still going to work. People still going to the grocery store, the gas station, the home improvement store, the hardware store, and so on. People still going to see friends, family, and neighbors. People still driving through fast food joints. People still running their kids all over tarnation. How the pooh is that sheltering in place?
How is everyone griping about needing to be around people when most people are not missing out on very much? Idk. I think they are just upset that their kids are having to do school at home.
What I do know is that this is great for introverts! I can wear a mask when I go in a store. It is socially acceptable to keep my distance from people now. If I stay home I'm just being a good citizen. This is fantastic.