Later today Baylor University plays Texas Tech University in football. The last time the Bears and Red Raiders played football my dad died. I'm really hoping today is a better day.
On the bright side, reflecting on this has helped my perspective. Juxtaposing football and life and death is a good reminder of how trivial football really is. A lot of what we focus on in life is really pretty trivial. So many things are not bad, but they are only important to the extent that we use them to build or at least proclaim the Kingdom. Unfortunately, for me and many of the Christians I know, it doesn't seem like this is the way we typically use the activities God has let us enjoy.
I'm not saying to stop doing the things you like. But I do feel like most of us would benefit from an honest examination of what we are really living for.
So have a great Saturday. Enjoy all the games or whatever you have on your itinerary today. But maybe spend some time thinking about how you can do what you do with the Kingdom as the drive train.