Monday, November 7, 2016

Election tomorrow

If you are not sure what is at stake in tomorrow's election, or if you have not decided which party you will vote for, please watch this message by Tommy Nelson:

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Inquiring Minds Want To Know

Sat down at the computer to play words with friends and there was an ad in the side bar for a tee shirt that says, "I want to drink wine and rescue dogs." The link underneath said that every one of these tee shirts sold will feed seven shelter dogs. Of course that raises the obvious question, how many starving kids will seven shelter dogs feed?

Seriously, how much money, energy, and time could we put into helping under served children if we quit trying to "rescue" dogs and cats? I can assure you that there is no shortage of dogs and cats in this world.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Does this not conform to reality or what?

Psalm 12:8 says, "The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men."  Wow! Explains so much of what we see and hear now a days.

Please pray for revival.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Summer Goes Too Fast

Summer is almost a third over. I'm already behind on everything I need to do at work and everything I wanted to do around the house. I really should go fishing ;-)

What's been going on lately? The big scandal at Baylor over Title IX violations. Sad stuff all over the place. I hurt for the victims. I'm embarrassed that it happened at my school. I want to trust that the regents did the right thing. The problem is that we'll never know. Maybe they did. But, maybe Art Briles really was a scapegoat. We'll never know because they won't release any specific information. That just doesn't seem right to me.

Then there was the gorilla that got killed at a zoo in Ohio. Hard to believe how much insanity there was over that. Some people actually placed equal value on the gorilla. What has our culture come to?

Of course, things are not as bad as the conservative talk shows want us to believe. Because God is alive there is still beauty and joy in life. I'm so thankful for Kris and my "babies". I'm thankful for air conditioning. I'm thankful for good food. I'm thankful for the freedom to study the Bible with teenagers in a couple of hours. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, February 5, 2016

What if?

What if life is not all about winning? What if it is not even about scoring more points? What if life is not about making more money, or even any money? What if life is not about being able to retire comfortably? What if life is not about making better grades, or even knowing more? What if life is not about being unforgettable or popular, or making a name for yourself at all? What if life is not about raising little renaissance kids? What if there is no prize for the kid with the most extracurricular hours? What if life is not about being entertained Monday through Saturday, much less on Sunday? What if life is not about how much fun you can have or how happy you can be? What if life is not about your freedom? What if life is not about how new your car is or how big your house is? What if it is not even about how clean your house is or how green your lawn is? What if life is not about being the best? What if life is not about your hobbies? What if life is not about having a prestigious job, or even a good job? What if life is not about decreasing your carbon footprint? What if life is not about people liking you? What if there is no prize for the one with the most toys? What if being first means being last? What if being great means being a slave?

What if life is just not about you (me) at all?


Matthew 6:33.